Raroh – As The Past Would Be The Point At Which Time Was Eternity

Raroh – As The Past Would Be The Point At Which Time Was Eternity [Unknown Timeline, 2021-01-31]

Announced a while ago, with very appealing artwork and a promising premiere on Oslated channel, the release was pretty awaited and the result lived up to the expectations. Both versions of “Rising Fire” are massive dancefloor bangers, with efficient electrifying spirals, followed by “Ad Vitam Aeternam”, which sounds like a “clean” version of “Rising Fire”, but also as a prequel of what’s coming next: a furious remix by Nternal Bserver. He brought the climax of the EP, containing an explosive body and beautiful outro, perfect to raise the emotional response.

The release is conceptualised as a wormhole in between two parallel universes, one with life affected by the current apocalyptic pandemic, and one without it. The self easily dissolves during the listening process of such sonic breakers, forgetting at least for some minutes, the walls which confine our existence.


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