Want to stay up to date with the most recent music, for instance for your DJing?
Here’s what you should currently not miss 🫶

Foreign Material – Dreams of the Fallen [Annulled Music, 2022-10-07]


We didn’t see this release coming from Norite‘s co-owner: what a tsunami!!

His work has always been well-designed, thinking for instance of his ethereal album “Memories of Lumeria” on his label, or his dreamy EP “Theophaneia” on Circular Limited, but “Dreams of the Fallen” breaks some walls: it is for us not only his best artistic creation up to date, but also our new favourite release on Annuled Music. Profound, emotional, the ten tracks reach an unprecedented degree of excellence (perfection?), and it is for us very difficult to leave them… Not immediately… We stay a few more hours in the loop before continuing the write-up…

Daniel[i] – THAIS [Self-released, 2022-10-07]


Belgium is celebrated again with Daniel[i]’s new creation. If he releases material with pleasure on great labels such as Kizen Records or Huinali Recordings, he’s also very at ease to develop his own platforms, such as via his imprint Whispering Signals or via his personal Bandcamp page. Concerning the latter in particular, he just uploaded “THAIS” which, according to the description, seems to be a bundle of unreleased jam sessions made in 2019. The tracks, complex with a nice analogue feel, are particularly trippy and mesmerising. 

Concrete Records – Concrete Series Vol​.​1 [Concrete Records, 2022-10-07]


“An Italian label? Great… Based in Rome? Interesting… A VA with a majority of Italian artists? Promising… And the artists are Luigi Tozzi, Dino Sabatini, Giorgio Gigli WAIT, WHAT???!!!” …

Yes, we’ve just turned groupie nerds. Our effusive introduction may however partly cheer up Concrete Records‘ owners, strong defenders of our dearest Italian culture, and also partly irritate them, as they often say preferring the shadow over the light. Sure, but how can you avoid a buzz when you group such names in one VA?

CTAFAD – Invisible Form [Indefinite Pitch, 2022-10-08]


Indefinite Pitch, through its podcast, premiering service and as a record label, really pushes it hard in terms of promotion, a well-intentioned commercial approach but with the risk to sometimes blur the artistic side, while the Chinese label in fact groups very well-designed releases. They have in common rich journeys diffused in solid productions with impeccable mastering. Such a description totally matches the fabulous EP of Chinese veteran CTAFD, who collaborated again with our dear genius Laertes via Enisslab Studio.

IWANN – Idleness [SPLOT, 2022-10-07]


WrocĹ‚aw in Poland is a town of contrasts, with its beautiful coloured new-built architecture opposed to the post-war Russian car wrecks, with its romantic classical music concerts alongside raucous Polish rap parties… Such contrast can also be sensed in WrocĹ‚aw-based artist IWANN’s EP: “Idleness” combines elegance and well-affirmed beats, jazzy chill-out vibes and impactful polyrhythmic drums. The release marks a great artistic evolution for IWANN and makes also the collective and new label SPLOT very promising.

Repart – Attraction EP [Arcadia Audio, 2022-10-05]


Regarding the Scottish gang, there is not only Deepbass and Edit Select: there is also Repart, whom we don’t talk about nearly enough, and who must be counted as the third musketeer: he shares the same vision, as well as a friendship (yes, it’s important to form “a gang”). The dreamy arpeggios of the massive first track somehow recall Ness’ music after his experience in OZORA, and nice surprise: he’s at work on the EP for a dope remix.

Irazu – Anything Exist Anymore. SEMANTICA 141 [Semantica Records, 2022-10-03]


Even if Semantica drops many bundles among its new content, the selling frequency, the quality of the releases and some great events have impressively rocketed the label’s number of followers during the past months. The hype has a lot to do with label owner Svreca, known to be a fine selector, as shown again with the present album. It marks the debut of Irazu on the treasured imprint: the veteran of the Spanish school is more creative than ever in the LP, mesmerising, with interesting atmospheric grooves and lots of character.

VideĚŚnĂ­ – An Unexpected Day [Shaded Explorations, 2022-10-09]


After two years of radio silence, the picturesque Italian label Shaded Explorations is back on track and with “An Unexpected Day”, rarely nature has been so close and so palpable. The release has been like directly extracted from a sugar cane of a tropical forest, with spectacular artisanal artwork for the vinyl version, by Officina Del Disco. We don’t know much about VideĚŚnĂ­, who seems to make his debut with this release: it’s a beautiful project, at the core of what atmospheric music should be all about: a total immersion…

* Page’s cover picture: Oye Kreuzkoelln in Berlin, a record shop from a member of our community.

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