Want to stay up to date with the most recent music, for instance for your DJing?
Here’s what you should currently not miss 🫶

#StopWarInUkraine [2022]


Our “board” of charity releases dedicated to Ukraine has been refreshed with a new page of entries.

Polygonia – Bloom [Sure Thing, 2022-03-08]


Prolific artist Polygonia produced her best release up to date on Sure Thing: the enchanting EP is a must-have.

Raroh & Commodus of Rome – Essence [Aythekos, 2022-03-07]


The young Australian label Aythekos only contains high-quality releases in its deep catalogue, so when it uploads a new EP, we listen carefully: Raroh brings beautiful dreamy tracks while Commodus of Rome pushes the dynamic further with dancefloor bangers. Amazing release, for both the mind and the body.

Pulso – Don’t Be Ready. SEMANTICA 134 [Semantica, 2022-03-07]


Argentinian artist Pulso brings the original hypnotic repetition in most of his techno music, developing deep loops with well-designed arpeggios. No exception in this subtle album, obviously composed with a lot of care. We recommend you to dig into Pulso’s label SRIE Records for more similar quality material.

SHXCXCHCXSH – Kongestion [Avian, 2022-03-11]


No matter whether you love it or hate it, the Swedish duo’s Avant-guard music left no one indifferent, which, in the end, is the essence of art. Back on Shifted’s label Avian, they set a scandalous – therefore interesting – bridge between the mainstream and the underground electronic music, through club horns mixed with hypnotic polyrhythmic drums. Get ready for the impact at three-two-one…

Edit Select – 15 Years PT1 [Edit Select, 2022-03-04]


Right after Affin, it’s time to Edit Select Records to announce its 15 years of age, with a three-part compilation of 15 (new) tracks, this one being the first. Either deep, electrifying or dreamy, the seemingly versatile EP hosts a strong guideline tainted with nostalgia: a return to the original hypnotic techno aesthetic, repetitive, mental, alienating: a great way to kick off the birthday celebration!

Rothchord – Dimensions Of Darkness [Melotonin, 2022-03-05]


This is simply what you call “good dub techno”: deep, well-designed and well-mastered, on a label, Melotonin, that usually puts out quality releases from the genre. Rothchord in particular, from Japan, is totally devoted to the aesthetic, both as a producer and DJ.

Robert Hoff – Magnetic Pressure EP [Robert Hoff, 2022-03-11]


Modular synth artist Robert Hoff is back on his own imprint with strong spirals, arming bombs that can do a lot of damage on the dancefloor. Formerly known as Robert S, evolving in the minimal dark techno, the Portuguese veteran is for us today the hidden son of Oscar Mulero and Mike Parker: there could have been worst references…

Joaquin Ruiz & Rehmark – Observative Indicator EP [Dynamic Reflection, 2022-03-11]


We would like to request Dynamic Reflection to stop uploading such dope music release after release: our bodies are tired of doing jumping jacks and dancing while writing. Thank you.

Linear Phase – Definition Loss [Consumed Music, 2022–03-04]


Let’s end this week’s selection with a quiet release… or not… Meet Spanish artist Linear Phase from Barcelona; no idea which spices he adds to his paella, but we would love to eat the same: his last EP on Consumed Music is on fire, featuring a hypnotic remix by Manic Brothers. Warning: playing the tracks before the peak time might lead to stroke and heart attacks.

* Page’s cover picture: Oye Kreuzkoelln in Berlin, a record shop from a member of our community.

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